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Old 04-26-2007, 03:40 PM
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Chris Chris is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Upland, CA
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Well i hear right now we are working on the "Starship Enterprise" I have heard that it will do about 9.5 on the warp drive. I am a big contributor to this project the Ship UI is written in PHP, Java, Javascript, Ajax, and C so it should be good to go in the next 20 years.

I have also seen that that they are doing up a winnebego on Pimp My RV that will do a least 7.5. But there are some bad people out there luke can not watch over us all the time besides the guald (IDK if its the right spelling) But jack O Neil will assist us on some of the missions.

Also at this moment there is a stargate in a secret base that the military watches over. There is all kinds of things that helps us in this journey. Oh we also have to watch out for the death star.

I have seen on tv that there is a game that will take you there i just never seen it on the shelves of stores just yet. According to the hitchhikers guide to the universe you need some towel? You never leave without the towel.

oh that should cover everything.

*** FYI I am not a avid watcher of Star Trek nor did i even like hitchhikers guide. all the others are ok and i will tolerate them ******

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