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Dizaster 04-22-2006 12:08 AM

Final Fantasy.
Anyone play this series? Ok, bad question, lets just put it this way, whats your favorite Final Fantasy seeing as pretty much everyone who is into RPG's has played it.

cantstraferight 04-22-2006 12:55 PM

I loved 8

I’ve only ever played 7 and 8, and I got bored of 7 quickly but I played 8 non-stop for weeks.

The annoying thing is I renamed all the characters so don’t know them by any other name and when im talking to people I get confused when they call the characters by their proper names.

Fwks08 04-22-2006 12:56 PM

My favorite game of all time is Final Fantasy VIII. At a close second is Final Fantasy VII.

I_DROWN_FISH 04-22-2006 02:01 PM

8 is my faovrite followed by 10 and 7. 10-2 they fed up on pretty bad. Same with 9.

Dizaster 04-22-2006 03:16 PM

What are your reasons for saying FFX-2 was bad? Lots of people say that about the game, but they can never really say why. I think there is too many people judging the game by the main fact that there are girl leading characters and no guys, yet that can't see the game for its full potential, which it has a lot of.

Battle system, story line, the dress sphere, and all the new futures are great, I think they did a very good job, not to mention they gave us a great variety of optional bosses, which is always good.

.:YoUnGLinKiE:. 04-22-2006 04:52 PM

I have to admit that the Final Fantasy games are great (especially FF VII) but there are so many other great games and also very good RPG's like Dragon Quest, Pokémon,... I especially like the Final Fantasy games on SNES and the remakes on GBA.

ebittner 04-23-2006 02:18 PM

I have played most of the games and I would have to say that the best one would have to be FF VII or 7

raudi 04-23-2006 05:33 PM

I've actually never played FF, but although I don't really like RPGs. I like to stay more toward intense first person shooter (HL2, CS:S, Doom, etc)

Dizaster 04-23-2006 05:50 PM

Out of curiosity to the FFVII lovers, what do you think in your opinion makes it the best?

etali 04-24-2006 03:54 PM

I'd say 7 too, but just because it was the first one I played. 8 and 9 are OK too. 10 was a bit too silly for my liking, and I don't count XI since it doesn't really have a strong plot or anything - the whole online / skillchains rubbish just annoys me.

I have 1,2, 4-6 as well (Still missing number 3) but I haven't had a chance to play them properly yet.

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