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cdoug1946 10-16-2009 03:25 PM

Need help with keywords
hi, would love some help with keywords....have a and have had it for awhile but haven't got on search engines so i finally realized...go to a forum! thank goodness for forums! so anyhoo i am trying to find the best keywords for this site which is about connecting to nature, healing yourself and nature through walking in nature. i don't understand i had put down keywords of walk, nature, spirit, healing but don't know if that is christina

Chris 10-16-2009 11:12 PM

Its contextual keywords that you need... So write the content with the "Key Words" as many times as possible without going as far as not making sense anymore.

I have no keywords just the above suggestion.

But when i search for my old truck 95 Ford Ranger it is usually #4 in the google search results and it was not key worded at all.

gregsworld 10-17-2009 11:38 AM

Google have a great suggestion tool

Its very usefull for finding alternative related words and phrazes people might be using.

cdoug1946 10-18-2009 08:15 PM

keyword help
thanks so much for info. christina

cdoug1946 10-18-2009 08:20 PM

thanks for info. i hope i am sending this to proper person but really don't understand how to answer a person specifically...diff than just being on thread. so what i am hearing is that keywords aren't what i am thinking they are.....i am thinking subject walk, nature....what i should be thinking is walking and nature, or spiritual walks? tying two words together?

Chris 10-18-2009 09:27 PM

That would be a key phrase, you can also use those. But it still only depends on how many people have used the set of keywords that your using. So if someone searches for:

"nature walk"

and you and a hundred other people used that keyword or phrase it will bring the results in order of most clicked. So if you site is even on the first page of results you still need people to find your site desirable over the others.

The way i believe it works is when someone searches for something the list of results is counted as well as how many people clicked the link result from that search the person with the keyword that get chosen the most will get the higher rank in that search.

I do not know if that understandable but it looks good from my perspective.

markcooks 10-19-2009 07:58 PM

Some SEO hints to your "keyword" utilization:

*Don't over do it or you may get tagged/penalized by search engine robots "thinking" you may be spamming and you'll never make decent rankings

* use Google's "keyword" suggestion tool listed in this post above by gregsworld

* utilize your selected keywords in your websites "Page title" Meta tag and "content" or "subject" Meta tag, inaddition to including in your pages actual content

* utilize selected keywords for any image description/properties

* include keywords in your website individual pages urls

* use/target different sets of keywords for every page in your website

Hope this helps some with your website and SEO :)

Bay Area Web Design and Bay Area SEO

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