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job36_22 03-01-2006 11:31 AM

I don't Know about Everyone else but one of my main concerns is Security on Linux Servers This Thread is to Discuss Security methods.

Durinthiam 03-01-2006 11:41 AM
Are always places to keep an eye on, I've always had someone manage security for me on Linux servers as I tend to keep my nose out of it and stick to windows security

Soulwatcher 03-01-2006 11:55 AM

I manage the security on my server myself. I wont go in to details on how I secure my server for obvious reasons. But a good place to get tutorials is The key to keeping your server secure is to keep your software up to date. And also making sure your running the latest kernel. Those two steps alone will go a long way in keeping your server secure. :)

job36_22 03-01-2006 12:01 PM

I wont list names or sites due to personal reasons but I have relatives and friends that have been able to hack almost any linux server ive foudn for them to try to hack into obviously I tell them not to do anythign but I've found out that security doesnt hold up as well as it always seems.

Soulwatcher 03-01-2006 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by job36_22
I wont list names or sites due to personal reasons but I have relatives and friends that have been able to hack almost any linux server ive foudn for them to try to hack into obviously I tell them not to do anythign but I've found out that security doesnt hold up as well as it always seems.

I totally agree with you. NO SERVER is secure from a true hacker. If a hacker wants to hack your server then your screwed. I feel that security measures are put in place for keeping the script kiddy's and newbie hackers at bay. Servers usually get hacked for a reason, profit, revenge, ect, or you really pissed someone off. Hopefully I will never have to go through a server recovery.

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