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Chris 09-25-2009 01:59 PM

First Computer..
I have been using computers since Atari GEM which now can be completely built as a web app using php probably with just a few lines of code.

That is atari GEM looks kinda like the old mac stuff but worse. I even started out on windows early with windows 3.1 (I have a copy of it and i can still install it on a computer)

How many people remember that one, Its been around for quite a while I think i starting with computers in 91 i was like 13 not because i could afford it oh no i was poor but had friends in the right places to some stuff and the atari was my first.

I now have several high and low end machines that i use.

~kev~ 10-02-2009 09:45 AM

Windows 3.11 - that brings back some memories. When windows was just one step above DOS. Those where the good ole days when the computer could run on 8 megs of memory. As compared to 1 gig required by vista.

Things sure have changed over the past 15 years.

My first computer ran windows 3.11, had 8 megs of memory, had a 75mhz processor and a 1.2 gig hard drive.

After the first major upgrade, I was running windows 95, 32 megs of memory, and a 166 mhz processor - and that was top of the line for back then. The fastest CPU on the market was the 233, but that one cost a fortune.

That was back when memory cost more then $2 a meg. That 32 megs of memory cost me $64.

indicium 10-09-2009 10:58 AM

Wow, I feel old, my first computer was a Sinclair ZX-81!

Check out the Obsolete Computer Museum website if you have a couple of days to lose!

Chris 10-11-2009 03:10 AM

I just realized that there is another thread for this topic. I guess i did not see that that thread when i started this one..

Original thread is:

Your first computer

Bryan Dixon 10-12-2009 06:38 PM

Well my first computer is a DX4 that was given to me by my first boyfriend after he upgraded his computer. Then after that he bought me a AMD K2 CPU which i never used that much either. He is so generous but we parted our ways.

dvdreplication 03-12-2010 04:41 AM

My first computer was DX4 and he is like my child, now i have my own laptop but still i love my old and innocent DX4.:D
vaporizer reviews

pengerik 03-13-2010 05:47 AM

My first computer was a Asus DX2 486 50mhz.
Was so proud of it - It had "everything" :)

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