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WhiteDaisy128 06-09-2006 01:48 PM

What is your flavor and why?
Topic says it all...what is your flavor of choice and why?

I'm currently hopping around looking for a new favorite. I used be to a Fedora Core girl all the way, but have recently been leaning towards Ubunto.

John 06-10-2006 07:26 AM

CentOS, currently using RHEL4 but they are essentially the same.

FaTTzZO 07-17-2006 09:10 AM

Gentoo, it has Emerge tool, you just type "emerge app" and there you go :D.

a little bit confusing when installing (if you dont know) but after that, pretty easy and fast

bigfatguy6969 07-17-2006 09:01 PM

Suse 10!

Its great. =)

Chris 04-16-2007 10:50 PM

I know this is kinda from the past, and i am bringing back an old topic but i decided i wanted to add my two cents to the topic.

I prefer anything Debian based only because its net-install, Highly customizable, has all the latest software that all others have, and its not to noobish. The only ones i consider noobish are Windows for sure... Mandrivia, and Suse so far.

The apt system has never had any problems since i have had it, The desktop enviroment is great. Th stable server is secure and stable. My server was running the testing version of debian untill it went stable just a week ago. Now the new testing (lenny) is on my desktop the latest stable (etch) is on my notebook and server.
Since i have been using debian i have had no stability issues and windows use to crash all the time. (I am really hard on my systems).

Just my opinion on the subject :)

John 04-17-2007 01:46 AM

I mentioned a while back, on HHC, that I had planned to start getting into linux GUI/desktop OS but have not yet gotten around to doing that.

I've heard a lot of good stuff about Ubuntu... basically that it has done great things for linux on the gui side of things. Have you ever used Ubuntu? If so, how does it compare to Debian? (another that I have hear a lot of great things about).

Chris 04-17-2007 10:51 AM

Ubuntu is Debian so if you like it go for it, it is just an offspring (full Debian based) i tried it but did not like it at all i prefer Debian because with Ubuntu i got the same problems i had with Debian except Ubuntu does not install the same way. alot of packages are not in Ubuntu that are in Debian.

If you know Linux then Debian should come second nature some things are different the what your use to (CentOS) like package manager its


The install is net-install less downloading to start the install. Either way you go if you have questions i could most likely help you out with most of them.

My Notebook runs so light i have not ever been into my swap yet, Only using 131mb of 512 memory at this moment with lamp running on my notebook for testing it only has a 13% CPU load

(Windows always had at least 90 up on CPU using 434 mb of 512 memory)

Most of the conf files are in the same place as CentOS (I am not 100% sure i stopped playing with CentOS like 8 months ago) I had DE running on CentOS it was ok but i prefer Debian my personal choice.

some other Deb Based (I believe i have tried them all)

Damn Small Linux

There are more i just don't know the whole list.

John 04-18-2007 12:36 AM

I'll have to try out both Debian & the Ubuntu version. I always hear good things about both. Ubuntu is mostly mentioned when I read about Linux GUI setups.

Chris 04-18-2007 12:40 AM

For Debian you just have to be more linux savvy i believe but once its up unstoppable. Ubuntu is a bit easier to set up but its based on Debian so it will be a good OS

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