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ebittner 04-20-2006 11:49 PM

PS3 or XBox 360
I know that they PS3 has not come out yet but which system do you think is going to be better?
I would have to say PS3 becasue X Box was rushed and Sony has been taking their time on the PS3, making sure that everything is up to date and so it will run right.

Sixty 04-21-2006 04:11 PM

I'm going for the PS3. The xbox360 launch was too rushed imo, with people assaulting others for a console due to poor shipments. Hopefully, the PS3 launch will be more refined and result in a better product.

cantstraferight 04-21-2006 07:29 PM

You have forgotten about the revolution

If I could choose from all 3 than it would be the revoultion

If its just between the ps3 and the xbox 360 if think I would choose the xbox 360 as I can see myself using one

Anonymous 04-21-2006 08:15 PM

I agree, I think the 360 was rushed too fast, however its still a very nice gaming box. I however, won't be buying it, there is just simply too many new things coming out this year to be able to afford yet another $300.00 system, besides Xbox hasn't really ever been strong on RPG's, more like Halo, that sort of stuff.

Either way, between the 360, Revolution, and the PlayStation 3, I'll have to go with PlayStation 3. I think its going to continue its streak of great RPG's, however the Revolution may prove worthy too. I personally will just have to wait and find out.

Dizaster 04-21-2006 08:16 PM

Heh, sorry, that Guest was me, forgot to login after creating account. :oops:

Not_My_Style 04-22-2006 06:49 PM

The PS3 will be better than both the Xbox 360 and Revolution because it is going to come out last, and be filled with the best technology around. Plus the 60 GB hard drive that comes included with the PS3 already beats the 20GB you need to buy (for $100) for the 360.

Eminem 04-22-2006 07:42 PM

I am not interested in buying either. However, I would go with Play Station 3 because it's better and I preferred Play Station all the way. Also, windows is dealing with too many things that it could concentrate on Xbox's functionality or any other factor that matters. :)

Not_My_Style 04-22-2006 08:16 PM

The only thing I would want a 360 for right now would be for COD 2, and also for Halo 3 whenever it's coming out.

Dizaster 04-22-2006 11:13 PM

I hope PlayStation 3 comes out with Final Fantasy VII remake, that would sell alot I'd think.

awsjr 04-27-2006 08:19 PM

I will stick with the PS3 because Sony got it right the first and second time with the PSX and PS2, so the PS3 has a good chance of doing it right

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