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delman 03-06-2006 09:51 PM

New to linux/centos
I downloaded the top 4 then realized the bottom one. Since I will use centos just for a webserver should I download the last one? It is just a stripped down version right? Also I guess I have to put in my own GUI with it. Sorry if these questions sound kind of dumb.



Soulwatcher 03-06-2006 10:01 PM

If you run CentOS-4.2.ServerCD-x86_64.iso. Your not going to have a GUI. But you could install a control panel like Webmin. And control your server that way. I can help you out if you want to set it up with just a control panel. But first I need to know what you plan on doing with the server.

delman 03-06-2006 10:07 PM

It will be just a basic websever for pictures and websites. I have down loaded all of them now and I will just burn the webserver one. I won't be installing it till tomorrow though.

Soulwatcher 03-06-2006 10:13 PM

Ok, I am going to guess that your going to be using it for a home webserver. If your going to use the server CD. You need to setup a static IP on your routers LAN. Let me know if you know how to do that or not and we can go from there. (If you cant do it I need to know your router make and model number)

delman 03-10-2006 03:39 PM

I am now trying to set it up. By Static Address do you mean Static DNS? It is an Airlink mimo router. Is it just a static IP address on the network? I think that webmin would do everything I need.

Soulwatcher 03-10-2006 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by delman
I am now trying to set it up. By Static Address do you mean Static DNS? It is an Airlink mimo router. Is it just a static IP address on the network? I think that webmin would do everything I need.

What I mean is your router has a DCHP server. And lets say your LAN IP range is to Unless your router has come sort of static LAN IP setting. You would set your server IP to That way the DCHP server on your router doesn't assign your server a new LAN IP address when the lease is up.

If you have a static IP, assign your router the static IP and forward http, ssh, named, email servers to your static IP on your LAN.

This guide is on as heck but this is what I mean.

delman 03-10-2006 04:01 PM

Oh I think I figured it out it is suposed to be a Static IP for a MAC address.

delman 03-10-2006 04:29 PM

Ok I have Centos installed and I can login to the root also I do have the ports on the router forwarded. How do I go about setting everything else up? Like Webmin.

QBall15j 03-10-2006 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by delman
Ok I have Centos installed and I can login to the root also I do have the ports on the router forwarded. How do I go about setting everything else up? Like Webmin.

There are fairly good instruction on the Webmin site.

I've used those instructions a few times when testing out Webmin, other then that I don't have much experience with Webmin but I'm sure Soulwatcher can give you a hand.

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