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sooty 03-25-2009 06:49 AM

help inserting links
hello, I'm new here and to publishing so please be gentle
Can anyone help me please ? this problem is driving me quite mad :eek: I've been trying to sort it out for weeks now, and no one can help.
I've tried several forums, checked with my host, ISP etc. etc., all to no avail, and of course, it all takes time.

Problem is inserting affiliate links into my pages.
I source the link, get the html copy and paste, insert it into my page, save, but nothing happens, nothing appears on my page, or when I browse (I use Kompozer by the way) I've tried the powers that be at Kompozer and even they can't help .
Folks give me various instructions and advice, I follow it through to the letter but it doesn't work.

I think there's obviously something I'm not doing here, but don't know what it is :rolleyes:
could someone talk me through inserting text links, banners, saving etc. etc., in language that the average idiot can understand please, cos I'm going quite crazy here :p
I also think that technical advisors credit me with more knowledge than I have and assume I know what they are talking about, when in actual fact, I have trouble understanding the jargon :confused:

When I try to insert text links i.e. Clickbank, I get the full link on my page even my Clickbank nickname. This can't be right can it ?

With banners/graphic links, well nothing appears at all, just blank spaces.

Soo can someone please help me, I've spent such a long time on this site, but am now ready to pack it in, this is my last shot at trying to get it sorted.

I use IE - Vista by the way.

thank you in anticipation

Keller Miller 06-08-2009 07:50 AM

Have you checked with firebox? There are some items which do not work with IE, I too had same kind of issue sometimes back....then I checked with firebox, it works, So, I made sure that, there is some coding has to be change to support IE and made the change and got it success........

mgandy 06-30-2009 12:59 AM

I have a question how are defining the link? Provided below is an example of how to code a link

< a href="http://www.?????.com">ZZZ</a>

The question mark area is url of the link and the zzz is the anchor text of the link. I hope this makes sense.



GrahamWellington 08-05-2009 01:54 PM

Also, sometimes you can use:

[ url=http:// www . ??????? . com]Website[/url]


Originally Posted by mgandy (Post 9830)
I have a question how are defining the link? Provided below is an example of how to code a link

< a href="http://www.?????.com">ZZZ</a>

The question mark area is url of the link and the zzz is the anchor text of the link. I hope this makes sense.



Jason Bradley 08-21-2009 11:30 AM

Check the <a href... tag
Can you check out that whether the link is bounded by the <a href=”…”>XYZ</a> tag. If not then you might not be copying the link properly. Or at least post the link on this forum for us to analyze if it is possible / permissible.

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