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Fwks08 04-22-2006 12:45 PM

Traffic Tips
Track all sources of traffic generation
Track where all traffic comes from and at what cost. It is crucial to know exactly how many sales, newsletter sign-ups, or other leads your particular marketing campaigns generating. This enables you to work smarter and not harder. By tracking all traffic to your site you can make twice as much while working fifty percent less.

Content is King
On the internet, people are searching for one thing....... Content! Load your website with as much content as possible. Then, continuously add content. Search engines love information and they will love your site if you've got lots of it. There's plenty of free content for the taking on the internet. You can load up your site with articles from article directories like

Affiliate Programs
An affiliate program is critical to maximum traffic and sales. Lots of internet marketers don't take advantage of this powerful traffic-generating technique. An affiliate program allows you to have your own personal salesman spread all over the web. The best part about it is that there is absolutely no risk involved but tons of traffic and sales to gain. Your website simply cannot grow to its full potential without an effective affiliate program.

Take advantage of your virtual real estate
Take advantage of the different parts of your website. Don't let any of your web pages go to waste. You can do this by adding a link to another one of your web sites or pages on your thank-you or sales confirmation pages. If you have articles on your site, place links to related articles on the bottom of the page. The longer you keep a visitor at your web site, the more valuable they become.

It is very important to funnel traffic from within the multiple sites you may have.

Continually seek out other web sites to link to you. Now, we're not just talking about any kind of link here, but powerful, traffic-generating links from respected sites.

Online group participation can produce a no-cost stream of traffic and sales
Get involved in email discussion lists, online groups and forums that are related to your target market. Becoming involved in discussions makes you very credible. Traffic from forums can produce a much higher sales conversion rate.

This method can produce quite a bit of traffic for you just by helping others out. Not to mention, you'll learn a lot along the way.

raudi 04-22-2006 02:46 PM

Great read, where did you get that from? If you wrote it yourself a big thumbs up :shock:

Fwks08 04-23-2006 09:25 AM

I wrote it myself. Thanks. :)

kinkarso 04-23-2006 12:43 PM

wow, that's awsome. Great tips. I get my traffic from getting ezine companies to list my website on their newsletters. For me, that works the best :)

ebittner 04-23-2006 02:10 PM

Nice tips I am going to have to go and use those next time I go to do some PR for my site.

Fwks08 04-24-2006 11:48 AM

Thanks and thanks. I'm glad they're useful.

rijulraju 04-24-2006 07:50 PM

Wow! Nice job there!
This is a great read for beginners to the web promotion industry. It really gets the point across.

kinkarso 04-24-2006 08:53 PM

I purchased like 10 ebooks and tried my best to read as much as I can about making a good and successful website. I'm never buying ebooks from ebay ever again :D. Thanks again for the great post.

Fwks08 04-25-2006 07:54 PM

You're welcome. I find that ebooks are worthless. Think about it; you can find any information you'd like on the internet. You just have to search for it. Why pay money for free information?

raudi 04-26-2006 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by Fwks08
You're welcome. I find that ebooks are worthless. Think about it; you can find any information you'd like on the internet. You just have to search for it. Why pay money for free information?

Yeah I agree. The only ebooks reading are real books just tranformed into a PDF file.

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