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tam 12-07-2006 01:55 PM

Centos 3.6 Help
Hi all
I have download Centos3.6 server ISO and installed it, but it seems doesn't have
gcc compiler included in this load. I tried to do "yum install gcc" but it failed. The error msg is like this:
Gathering header information file(s)
Server: CentOS-3 - Addons
Server: ....
Finding update packages
Downloading needed headers
Resolving dependencies
...Dependencies resolved
[will do the following:
[deps: libgcc 3.2.3-56.i386
Is this ok [y/N]:y
Downloading Packages
Getting libgcc-3.2.3-56.i386.rpm
libgcc-3.2.3..... 100%|=======================| 60 kB 00:00
warning: rpmts_HdrFromFdno: V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 025e513b
Error: Could not find the GPG Key necessary to validate pkg /var/cache/yumbase/packages/libgcc-3.2.3-56.i386.rpm
Error: You may want to run yum clean or remove the file:
Error: You may also check that you have the correct GPG keys installation

[root@localhost root]#

I need the compiler because some software when I install and run ./,
it will invoke gcc for compiling code.

The site has Centos-3.6 with 3 disks labeled CentOS-3.6-i386-diskc1,iso, 2, and 3 respectively. Would these disks when install would have gcc compiler already built on it?
If not, where to get gcc and how to install gcc on the CentOS Server ISO?
Thanks for you guys helping on this matter.

John 12-08-2006 12:00 PM

Hi Tam, welcome to Linux Server Talk.

Yum uses the GPG key for security purposes to validate packages that you choose to download/install. I believe the key is on the CD that you make from the ISO download, in the root directory the file is called RPM-GPG-KEY.

It's probably just easier to install it online, though. You can do that with the following command:


rpm --import
Once that is done you shouldn't have any more GPG key issues/messages when using Yum


Originally Posted by tam (Post 1546)
Would these disks when install would have gcc compiler already built on it?

I don't recall the exact option, but when you are installing CentOS one of the options on the 'package group selection' screen will install gcc. It's probably called 'programming tools', 'development tools' or something like that. I don't recall exactly. Probably nothing to worry about installing during the main install process as it can be easily added later on once you have the gpg key issue taken care of.

tam 12-11-2006 02:04 PM

Centos 3.6 Help
Thanks John,:)
You're right! By typing what you indicated I was able to update the key from the net and doing the "yum" without key issue problem.
It saves me a lot of times.
Just for knowing, you said that the key file is in the CD; I saw it. Just for the shake of "in case the Centos server is down", how can I install the key stored in
the CD?
Thanks for you great help.

John 12-11-2006 08:11 PM

To install the key from the CD I suppose you would copy the file to your computer then run the rpm import command with the file path to the key. For example:


rpm --import /path/to/RPM-GPG-KEY
I've never tried it that way, though, but it should work just the same.

tam 12-12-2006 09:06 AM

Centos 3.6 Help import key
I've got it!
Thanks for giving me some boost. I am a newbee of Linux.

John 12-12-2006 11:00 PM

You're welcome.

Whenever you need some help or tips, please feel free to ask here. I'll gladly help out if I can and offer advice or other info pertinent to the issues.

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