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John 04-27-2007 05:27 PM

Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right A B Select Start
The other day I was chatting with a friend via IM and this old game code came to mind...

The funny thing is, I still have the game code memorized but cannot remember the game!!

Maybe it's for the original Super Mario Brothers or maybe Contra. It's been so long... can't believe that I remember the game code, though. I do remember it being for a game on the original Nintendo.

Anyone know? Here it is again:

Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right A B Select Start

Chris 04-27-2007 10:35 PM

I believe that is the contra lives code. It defiantly Nintendo though. I still have a game code stuck in my head its ABACAB That is the blood code for mortal combat :) That game was fun.

John 04-27-2007 11:44 PM

Back when the net was still young, an old buddy of mine from high school & college used to supplement his income with game codes. I forget exactly which game, it was either mortal combat or street fighter. What my friend did back then was researched all the codes online and printed code reference booklets for the game. I remember there being many codes, probably 5 to 10 pages of them.

Whenever I was in the local mall, I would stop by the arcade - he was almost always there (with a stack of the booklets he made). The game was the hottest one at the time, so there was often a crowd of people around all taking turns battling it out. I believe my friend charged something like 3-5 bucks per booklet and was selling a bunch of them every day. He even ran out of stock, lol, once in a while and would drive back to campus to make some more copies in the computer lab.

Chris 04-28-2007 02:02 AM

we must not be too far off in age because in its popularity mortal combat was where i spent most of my time. I remember when it first came out and the arcade i went to was a pool hall that me and all my friends would hang out at. Mortal Combat was really hard to get to because it was always full. My friends and i would always go up to a challenge the one winning and then take over.

We had all the time in the world then wow that was like about 15 years ago i am 28 now. Hard to remember the details from back then, I do remember the girl ahh the girl named Arron she was EMO before EMO was EMO we were all smokers and would sit at a table smoking, I smoked so much the night i met her i had nicotine poisoning that night.

Best friend Sean this was a guy that just had a hip replacement @ the age of 14 when i met him he was in a wheel chair i was young and listened to only rap this is the guy that turned me to rock Arron was the girl that turned me punk. anyways this is a thread for gaming i wondered off a bit memories are pulled when thinking of the past. I often thought that was the best time of my life.

We should start a thread about the past just a memories dump its kinda fun going back..

Update: I actually started a thread for what i mentioned @ my board

biophase 02-03-2009 11:21 AM

I remember before there were these forums I would scour the newsgroups looking for cheat codes and special moves. I remember when Street Fighter 2 first came out. We didn't know how to make a fireball or an uppercut and were just guessing at the time. I mean, how did the first people at the arcade first learn how to do those moves. There weren't any instructions on the video game. I've always wondered that?

dhawk 05-31-2009 02:26 PM

oh man. thats amazing brings such good times!

lga1983 07-17-2009 05:56 AM

I Think is NINTENDO.

ripperquick 10-10-2009 07:49 AM

This is the 30 lives contra code!!!!! XD

bt-t 02-08-2010 03:29 AM

Biophase... it is great to rememebr such good moments... :-) I wonder also how did that people find out... interesting... ;-)

Cool to talk to you guys! cheers

pengerik 03-03-2010 08:33 AM

Mortal Combat was awesome back in the old days, and one of those games I still fondly remember - i think i last played on my Amiga 500+. Those were the days, when you ran home from school - nothing more to think about (well always some homework) - but no other obligation....

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