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Fwks08 04-22-2006 11:45 AM

The "Right" Font
When I first began designing, I freely chose any font to stick on my image. As I gained more experience I learned that I simply couldn't choose just any font, but I had to choose one that fits the theme of the image.

I've spent minutes, hours, and even days searching for the "right" font to complete the image. Just how important is the right font? Will a "wrong" font make a large negative impact on the image?

raudi 04-22-2006 02:53 PM

A font on a logo is definetly one of the most important factors. In my spare time, I try to surf the internet and download as many fonts as I can, and from there start designing logos for that day. In the end, I had over 5,000+ fonts that I appreciated.

But then my harddrive died.

That's another story.

Sixty 04-22-2006 04:30 PM

I downloaded around 20,000 ttf fonts off torrents. Now, I never have to downloads fonts again.

I_DROWN_FISH 04-22-2006 06:35 PM

The right font is everything. For example you wouldn't want a cursive font with a grunge style.

ebittner 04-22-2006 08:57 PM

I am the same way now. It takes me about 5-7 minutes to find the right font I go throught all of mine and then I go for a 2nd look.

Fwks08 04-23-2006 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by I_DROWN_FISH
The right font is everything. For example you wouldn't want a cursive font with a grunge style.

From that comment, I know you make sigs. No one that doesn't deal with graphic pieces thinks to speak of grunge.

But yes, you do have a point. Now, is there a "right" font, or many "right" fonts? I mean, can there be a font that will look great to everyone, or are there several that appeal to different audiences?

I once had about 3300 fonts. I thought I had a lot, but reading your numbers, I'm amazed!

kinkarso 04-23-2006 12:37 PM

I never did have many fonts. I actually just use Ariel all of the time, and sometimes Tohoma (or something like that). I remember a website where you can download tons of free fonts, but after I reinstalled windows, I never could find it again.

kconnections 04-27-2006 03:33 PM

Font is important. You want to use a font that shows up well and that is easy to read. THe font should also match the style of the logo or the website. For example, a highly professional website should have a "professional" looking font.

John2 04-30-2006 06:30 AM

Specific fonts is not that important to me but the font should be the same kind of as the image ( banner, logo etc ). I oftenly use straight instead of rounded like fonts for my sites as most of my sites is business related and are of professional type.

Eminem 04-30-2006 09:27 PM

Fonts play a HUGE role in the quality of your image. You should be specific in the fonts you use; the font should look both professional and shout fit the theme. Like you can't make a banner for a hosting site with a font like CRAMPS.

Therefore, yes it DOES play a HUGE part in the image quality and looks.

mercy 07-31-2006 12:19 AM

You are cent percent correct with what you said.
Try to download fonts in your spare time,

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