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Emperior Eric 03-11-2006 03:04 PM

Linux vs Windows?
I have heard all over the internet that linux is the superior server operating system. Is this an accurate statement? Or are there some pros and cons? Is there certain operating systems better for certain funcionalities?

ComDriver 03-11-2006 04:48 PM

It seems from what I have read online that Linux is more secure than Windows but I'm sure both have there advantages and disadvantages.

Soulwatcher 03-11-2006 05:12 PM

Well with out turning this into a heated discussion. I will say each OS has their advantages. If you have $1200+ to buy Windows software for your server. By all means go ahead and do so. If you want to have your server do the same job for free. Then Linux is right for you. In the end both Windows and Linux perform the same job. One will empty your pocket book, the other will save you $$$$$. Both Windows and Linux can be stable and secure. It just depends on who sets up the server.

LucnetSolutions 03-20-2006 06:08 AM

Both Linux and Windows has the security holes and have great performace. Like mentioned by Soulwatcher, it can also depend on the money. Over all it is really what you like to work with.

Myself, I prefer Linux.

jkca 03-20-2006 02:58 PM

Of course now days you can get Windows 2003 Web server for $15 a month, which kind of removes the $$$$ aspect of windows, it just get down to which your more comfortable with.

yetanotherfcw 03-28-2006 05:56 AM


Originally Posted by Emperior Eric
Is there certain operating systems better for certain funcionalities?

Both Windows and Linux are written as independent OS; they are not written to a specific hardware. They are written so that they work with any PC hardware. However, some OS are specifically written to a very specific hardware. AIX is a great example, and these OS perform extremely well with specific hardware.

Coop 04-13-2006 06:50 AM

I'd say the choice is more down to what you want to do with the server. Everything you use has bugs, and running software on platforms differant from the main development platform is likely to produce far more problems than anything. So for example, the majority of php users run on linux servers, as do people using mysql. I would therefore never use windows for that platform. It will work, but is likely to be sub optimal and the majority of the information on the net tends to be about the most common platform.
In comparison, if I was to develop .net applications, I would choose a windows server. While it is possible to run .net on a linux server (with the appropriate apache modules) the full .net API is only partly working.
Also, your own skills and familiarity should be taken into account also. Choosing to run a linux server when you are not familiar with linux or Unix will likely be a very painful learning curve.

southernlady 04-14-2006 06:00 AM


Choosing to run a linux server when you are not familiar with linux or Unix will likely be a very painful learning curve.
AMEN to that but can be overcome.

But learning a windows server can be even WORSE!!! Of the two, I much prefer the linux learning curve. Liz

yetanotherfcw 04-14-2006 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by southernlady
AMEN to that but can be overcome.

But learning a windows server can be even WORSE!!! Of the two, I much prefer the linux learning curve. Liz

It's often said that Linux/Unix is designed for engineers while Windows is designed for ordinary people. Once you use computers, especially, something like servers for a period of time, you start thinking and acting like engineers. It may feel more comfortable using Linux/Unix at that point.

Heroin 04-20-2006 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by yetanotherfcw
It's often said that Linux/Unix is designed for engineers while Windows is designed for ordinary people. Once you use computers, especially, something like servers for a period of time, you start thinking and acting like engineers. It may feel more comfortable using Linux/Unix at that point.

Thats very wrong. People get shuved windows down their mounth the moment they turn on their computer. Everything works fine so people are happy. I bet in China, if the give people an option for Linux, free VS Windows, $$$ they will pick linux and the 'ordinary people' will feel more comfortable with linux.

though i must admin linux does everything fine, but its much harder to make it perfect like in windows. this is not OS related but support by 3rd parties

Ashley 04-24-2006 03:03 PM

Of course, every single operating system has it's pros and cons.

As we're discussing Windows vs Linux, I will point out some pros and cons. I will be focusing mainly on using these operating systems as servers.

Pros: Easy to manage, most people are used to how it works. A lot of software written for it, runs on most hardware and has many drivers, 'official' support from developers as well as many unofficial sources.
Cons: Expensive, some software written for it costs, closed source, lots of security holes, major updates not very frequent.

Pros: Free, comes in many 'distros' [flavours], each optimized for a specific purpose. Open soruce,very customizable, most software free, fairly secure, frequent updates.
Cons: Can be hard to set up, can provide a big learning curve, core operating system dosen't have a GUI [graphical user interface - this can sometimes put off novices], no 'official' support - users must rely on other users.

Heroin 05-03-2006 05:07 AM

very true :P i think in 5 years linux will have become much larger

rmwebs 05-07-2006 07:44 AM

They both have their uses:

Linux: web professionals, designed for heavy network usages, etc

windows: very much visual based, a little unstable - requires more frequent updates and reboots.

Windows server 2003 is actualy just as good (if not better) than using a linux distro...i dont think MS made it because its so good :p

Heroin 05-07-2006 09:29 AM

rmwebs you should really give ubuntu Dapper a go.. (ubuntu not K- or X-ubuntu) Its really nice visual wise, very stable, but requires updating every day, but that due to Beta phase i think

rmwebs 05-12-2006 11:42 AM

Will have to take a look at it...i have loads of coppies of Ubuntu Breezy, including a shop stand to give them away for free :p

Galaxy-Hosts 07-05-2006 06:52 PM

After years of being a Windows and Micrsoft user I have almostr completely migrated away from anything made by Microsoft. I now use Linux Kubuntu on my PC and cent OS on my servers. Also no more Frontpage, DreamWeaver, or Photoshop as I have found better alternatives that are for Linux and are free. My opinion of Microsoft is that they make everything just good enough that people will buy it, but they do not ever make anything great. By the way, before someone points it out, I know Photoshop is not made by Microsoft.

Pride 09-18-2006 03:48 PM

Linux vs. Windows
Each OS still has its uses. Any Microsoft operating system you can put in a business situation and most end-users will be happy. Unfortunately, you can't say the same for Linux as of yet.

Personally, each of my systems is dual boot with Windows XP and Slackware Linux. Working as a Systems Administrator for a mid-sized computer company I still deal with things in the field that 'must have' Windows. If it wasn't for that, I would be Linux 100%.

As someone stated above, in five years you are going to see some Linux distribution become the desktop equivalent of Windows. I'm really hoping so anyway!! :)

Chris 09-21-2006 12:00 AM

What exactly is a must have win something i guess this is where you lose me. I own a computer business and whenever i go out on the job i never see a need for windows. I to have a couple dual boot machines when i go out and set up a small office with a dataserver and file server. I always use linux only because i don't get complaints about the machine needing a restart because it had to be updated.. The only time i restart a lin machine is when i update a kernel. The people that use the systems that i set up also use samba and they use it as a webserver, If i set up a win machine to perform these task all on one it would lag and has the server load on a win machine was much greater then a lin machine.

Not only does it run smoother but there is no real need for antivirus on a linux machine, Windows may be better for the average joe that does not mind rebooting and ridding them selves of unwanted spyware and virus software. The biggest problem with windows is it is expensive, If you get a distro like cent, deb, slax, slackware etc etc the there is no real cost. I for one believe that the stability of a linux machine is far better then a windows machine. I have had windows since win 95 and had nothing good come from it, Yes i still use win this is only because there is software that i like from win. When they port this over to lin then i will free up valuable space and rid it of unnecessary software.

Even the desktop enviroment is more stable then windows i use KDE and Gnome, There is linux os that is very good a detecting hardware (Suse, Mandrivia, linspire etc etc) that even the average windows user can load this up.

I do not see any thing good to compare lin to win i think it is written in windows code to fail. update, restart, update, restart, this goes on forever, Why do this when you can update, upgrade and play no restart no mess. another thing with win, when you load software its a big mess lin has directory for what it needs and when you need to find something its in the directory it is expected to be. to remove something its much easier then win.
I guess i am talking on the side of a linux fan and i know a few things of this software being more single minded then open at this point but i am seriously tired of windows.

I don't see any pros in win only cons. The only thing i use it for is Mobile Phone Tools and a couple other choice programs this totals about three.

wainrob 07-09-2008 11:51 PM

I agree to what was posted above that Linux and Windows have both their own advantages and disadvantages. And it also depends on how user uses it.

SuzyQ 08-19-2008 11:50 AM

Maybe I am wrong, but isn't Windows easier to get than Linux. I often talked to people and they told me to go for Linux. I noticed also that some of hosts for website also said Linux is a better way to go. I am used to a windows operating system. How hard would it be to switch is it worth the time and price?

DixieGregory 09-19-2008 01:26 AM

security wise i think LINUX is not best then Windows because at every time LINUX port is open and hacker can insert but in Windows firewall have security for you

prijikn 09-22-2008 06:05 AM

Linux is and has always been a very secure operating system. Although it still can be attacked when compared to Windows, it much more secure.

darren_1299 09-30-2008 07:25 AM

i think Windows is designed for ordinary people, as there are most of the people i know is use Window.

Chris 10-16-2008 12:31 PM


but its much harder to make it perfect like in windows.
Perfect like windows thats classic comedy. That was a joke right?

Ranana_fush 06-27-2009 09:05 PM

Linux vs Windows
Is there a way for me to remote desktop graphically, not with a terminal like PuTTy into a Linux-based VPS?

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