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Eminem 04-22-2006 07:59 PM

What IM do you use?

What Instant Messaging system do you use?

Some of the famous ones are:
  • AIM
  • Msn Messenger
  • Yahoo! Messenger
  • Trillian
  • Skype - Also has that feature

Personally, I like Msn Messenger due to it's great features which isn't comparable with any other IM out there ;) It has regular updates and is safe to use too :)

Post your thoughts :)

Not_My_Style 04-22-2006 08:19 PM

I use both AIM and MSN. I'm usually on MSN the most, because I like the interface and functuality of it. I got drawn away from AIM when AIM Triton came out, which is the worst program I've ever used in my life. It has so many bugs and other problems.

raudi 04-22-2006 11:46 PM

I use GAIM. It's one of the best, most lightweight programs I've ever used. It works with:


It's amazing and free, you should give it a try. By the way, install most of the plugins - that's what makes it so great.

cantstraferight 04-23-2006 11:25 AM

i use msn and skype

But its only because thats what my friends use

If all my friends used yahoo they i would too.

Dizaster 04-23-2006 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by Not_My_Style
I use both AIM and MSN. I'm usually on MSN the most, because I like the interface and functuality of it. I got drawn away from AIM when AIM Triton came out, which is the worst program I've ever used in my life. It has so many bugs and other problems.

I couldn't have said this any better myself, I feel the exact way about AIM triton, and I use MSN more than I do aim, exactly the same as you.

ebittner 04-23-2006 03:53 PM

I do not use many because I live in the USA and everyone just uses AIM so that is what I have to use if I want to talk to anyone.

Dizaster 04-23-2006 05:54 PM

I'm from USA as well, what do you mean "everyone uses AIM" ? Not all americans use AIM you know. lol

Fwks08 04-27-2006 11:49 AM

I use AIM & MSN. I despise ICQ & YIM, and Trillian doesn't tickle my fancy.

etali 04-28-2006 01:12 PM

I use XFire, ICQ, and then Gaim for AIM/YM/MSN (I actually like the ICQ interface of some of the older versions, so have kept ICQ).

sphinx 05-02-2006 02:13 PM

I use both MSN and yahoo. I am mostly online on MSN, but MSN doesn't have chat rooms, so I also tend to use yahoo sometimes when I am bored.

John2 05-03-2006 07:31 AM

I use only MSN Messenger and Yahoo Messenger some times for few of my friends which want to chat on Yahoo Messenger instead of MSN. In my opinion its hard to get switched to any other IM from MSN, MSN is the best with many features. I just love MSN!

jingles 07-18-2009 06:55 AM

I am using msn messenger 9.0 beta. Its features are very cool. I just love to use it. Its simply the best.
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whitey99 08-08-2009 01:22 AM

Personally I use skype for my IM. Purely because I also like voice and video chat

Penny Haynes 08-14-2009 12:43 PM

I use GTalk & Skype
I use GTalk & Skype most of the times. I like them because I find them easy to use especially GTalk as it is fast too. Yes, MSN messenger is nice and I also use it thought not frequently.

uday1583 08-15-2009 11:52 AM

I like and use yahoo messenger always... and i have been using this for about 6 years now and am pretty happy using yahoo. Thanks
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Cas 08-15-2009 11:55 AM

I use MSN Messenger all the time.
I have tried Skype for a while, but Skype gets only really interesting when you have a webcam-headset combination.

~kev~ 09-03-2009 04:52 PM

Back in the late 1990s I used to use ICQ, but now I use Yahoo. Over the years I have tried a lot of instant messenger programs. Yahoo offers everything that I want or need.

I really like that picture sharing feature of YM. You just drag and drop a picture into the chat screen so other people ca see it. Plus, its tied into my yahoo mail account.

Dom. 09-06-2009 10:50 AM

I use Windows Live Messenger the most, I have Skype installed but have only ever used it once.

jingles 09-09-2009 02:39 AM

M using yahoo and msn but prefer to use yahoo messenger

Bryan Dixon 09-17-2009 10:17 AM

I generally use Yahoo.. as i feel it s very user friendly and has very good options and sometime I use MSN, but preferably Yahoo as MNS doesn't have chat room. Now a days gchat is also catching up and its also very good. Thanks

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