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pradip030384 10-04-2008 04:27 PM

Global Warming
What is Global Warming .How can we stop it spreading across world.

barbiepurl 11-03-2008 02:39 AM

Global warming
Global warming is nothing but raise in temperature of the globe as a whole.It is due to damage in the ozone layer which is caused by pollution. The best way to stop global warming is afforestation,avoiding pollution caused by all means and reduction in release of hydrocarbons and other oxides.
Barbie Purl
Consumer generated media

shilpamg 11-17-2008 05:04 AM

if the pollution will be reduced then global warming may also be reduced.

sabijon 11-20-2008 08:09 AM

Global warming!! It isn’t a new issue, its been a problem for decades, rich countries say they are serious in facing the problem, but they themselves are the problem… as long as we do not take part of the solution, we remain part of the problem ^^,

bwccom 11-21-2008 02:04 PM

Why not try googling it? I'm sure you knew something about global warming before posting the question here.

What surprises me about global warming is that some people deny that it's human-created, rather that it's a natural process. Now that's possible that there are cyclical forces at work too, but it shouldn't give us an excuse to forget about changing our ecological footprint. We have a lot of changes to make in how we interact with this planet and it's resources, and I think we need to come into common acknowledgment of this as a start.

kimax 11-24-2008 07:34 PM

Global warming is something that everyone should be aware of. It does not only concern what our lives might be but it also concerns the future of our children and our children’s children. I believe that global warming will have an impact in our lives in the future. Why not start changing now?

cristan 11-25-2008 11:09 PM

Global warming is something that everyone should be aware of. It is true that science and technology made advancement over the years. But in the process of its development, the one that suffered is our planet. We degrade forests; we pollute waters, air and the environment. The resulting factor is global warming or what we commonly refer to as climate change.

clairlim 12-05-2008 03:31 AM

Global warming!! It isn’t a new issue, its been a problem for decades, rich countries say they are serious in facing the problem, but they themselves are the problem… as long as we do not take part of the solution, we remain part of the problem ^^,

unitekweld 12-05-2008 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by clairlim (Post 6375)
as long as we do not take part of the solution, we remain part of the problem ^^,

You're right about that. I saw Brad Pitt on Larry King earlier this week and through his Make It Right foundation, he's been getting eco-friendly houses rebuilt in New Orleans. The homes have no chemicals in them, not even in the paint, and they are solar powered and have fresh air circulating. Pitt said that they received the highest green rating/certification.

The way I see it, as long as the government doesn't invest in greener and more efficient (not to mention safer) home building, it's contributing to the problem.

xsaviorx1 12-06-2008 08:00 AM

What is global warming (aka “greenhouse effect,” “climate change”)? Sunlight arrives here on earth, giving us light. Some of the light hits the ground, readily penetrating it, and then gets converted into heat radiation. Now, the air has just a little bit of CO2 in it. That CO2 acts a bit like the glass in a greenhouse, or a sweater: it traps the heat, thus keeping the earth warm and comfortable. But now we’re increasing the amount of CO2 and other greenhouse gases such as methane (natural gas), and the earth is getting warmer.

filterstb 12-08-2008 04:30 PM

While I'm all for celebrity exposure and government support, I still have doubts as to how much can be done as long as we are a corporate capitalist society. I mean, years ago there was a good electric car on the market, by GM I believe. And then without any reason the company recalled all the cars and destroyed them (it's in the movie, "Who Killed the Electric Car?"). And we citizens are powerless over this. So I try to stay hopeful, but it's hard at times.

truepath 12-11-2008 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by filterstb (Post 6442)
While I'm all for celebrity exposure and government support, I still have doubts as to how much can be done as long as we are a corporate capitalist society. I mean, years ago there was a good electric car on the market, by GM I believe. And then without any reason the company recalled all the cars and destroyed them (it's in the movie, "Who Killed the Electric Car?"). And we citizens are powerless over this. So I try to stay hopeful, but it's hard at times.

It seems that one of the best ways to bring both the government and citizens to action is through our country's spokespeople (which are unfortunately celebrities). As long as celebs and the media continue to question whether or not we are doing our best, these issues will remain in the spotlight, and hopefully be addressed. If we can truly revolutionize the auto industry, then I think a giant step will be made.

alex404 01-04-2009 09:01 PM

Global warming is cause of the depletion of our ozone layer. It causes buy CFC from our spraynet and also it also results the El Nino and La NIna so if were not going to help conserve our environment surely we will pay for the consequences later.

unitekweld 01-05-2009 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by truepath (Post 6476)
It seems that one of the best ways to bring both the government and citizens to action is through our country's spokespeople (which are unfortunately celebrities). As long as celebs and the media continue to question whether or not we are doing our best, these issues will remain in the spotlight, and hopefully be addressed. If we can truly revolutionize the auto industry, then I think a giant step will be made.

Brad Pitt is on the cover of Architectural Digest...the pictures for that article are great, man, these new houses in New Orleans are the way all houses should be, safe, off the grid, and pleasant to look at. Hopefully that will reach a lot of people who are in the business. Yeah, I agree, we need the celebrities to keep this issues in the spotlight.

bwccom 01-07-2009 12:12 PM

I think that celebrity involvement is key in getting people motivated to do something about the situation. I mean, normally people are more concerned with football, sitcoms, or the latest movie or celeb's everywhere. Since those celebrities already have our attention, they can use that opportunity to talk about what's important for us to learn about, like global warming.

awarepoint 01-12-2009 03:00 PM

I read something unsettling today...that running two Google searches is the equivalent of boiling water for a cup of tea. Does the internet really consume that much energy? I think this another reason to find alternative energy sources...we can't just unplug the internet without compromising our economy and much more.

John 01-13-2009 02:48 PM

The thing about two Google searches using enough energy to boil a cup of tea probably is at least partly due to Google's supposed use of commodity hardware. From what I understand, Google uses a ton of cheap commodity computer hardware for powering their system. Their software is what is key to their whole operation. But, the drawback from using cheap commodity type hardware, especially if it's older hardware, is that it is nowhere near as energy efficient as newer hardware.

Also, Google's index is so huge that is probably takes a large number of hard drives. So figure that one single search likely sends dozens, or many dozens, of hard drives spinning and seeking to find that right data. Add in processors and other components as well as cooling and you have yourself a fairly energy intensive search.

Keller Miller 06-14-2009 03:50 PM

The climate is changing. The earth is warming up, and there is now overwhelming scientific consensus that it is happening, and human-induced. Many are agreed that climate change may be one of the greatest threats facing the planet.

reilly12 10-23-2011 12:41 PM

Let me start this and we can see how many ideas that we can got to save our planet,
  1. Set your thermostat a few degrees lower in the winter and a few degrees higher in the summer to save on heating and cooling costs.
  2. Install compact fluorescent led tube lights (CFLs) when your older incandescent bulbs burn out.
  3. Unplug appliances when you're not using them. Or, use a "smart" power strip that senses when appliances are off and cuts "phantom" or "vampire" energy use.
  4. Wash clothes in cold water whenever possible. As much as 85 percent of the energy used to machine-wash clothes goes to heating the water.
  5. Take shorter showers to reduce water use. This will lower your water and heating bills too.

Indigo 11-18-2011 03:25 AM

We should start going green now and stop throwing plastic elsewhere.

dvdreplication 12-20-2011 06:39 AM

Well i think global warming is due to a lot of pollution is population that is rising earth temperature day by day.

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