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Eminem 04-22-2006 07:19 PM

HTML Tutorial
HTML Tutorial

This tutorial will teach you HTML, which will also help you to make custom pages for websites. HTML is very easy to learn! :)

HTML Stands For

HyperText Markup Language

Okay, we will start with the basics...

In HTML there are two types of tags...
  • Opening Tag
  • Closing Tag May not be needed for every type of "Tag"
The words inside the tags are not case-sensitive...Example:

<HtMl> & <html> are the same thing!
Okay, now we will start with the basic tags i.e
  • Bold
  • Italics
  • Underlined
Let's start with Bold..

The tag to make a text Bold is:

This text will be bolded

The OutCome of the above will be:

This text will be bolded

Remember to add a closing tag which is represented by [/b]... without adding that
closing tag, the outcome won't be perfect!

Next comes Italics...

The tag to make a text Italic is:


The OutCome of the above will be:


Again, don't forget to add the closing tag!

Now Comes Underlined...

The tag to make a text Underlined is:


The OutCome of the above will be:


Another one which people don't use much is a "Strike Out"...

This time the tag is:

<strike>You're Out!</strike>

The OutCome of the above tag will be:

You're Out!

You can use several tags at the same time...


If I want a text bold + Italic...I will use

This text will be Bold + Italic

The OutCome of the above tag will be:

This text will be Bold + Italic

It doesn't make a difference if you switch the starting tags position...


If you use

[i][b] Instead of [b][i] as your "Starting Tag"

The above tags were basic "Text" Tags...

Okay, let's go on to the next step...If we want to align our text..


We will use:

<center>This text will be centered</center>

The OutCome of the above tag will be:

This text will be centered

So now you know how to make basic text effects and how to align texts...

In the next tutorial, I will teach you:
  • Paragraphs
  • Line Breaks
  • Headings
  • Basic Page Format!
Hope you enjoyed this tutorial.

If you want to test yourself out...Visit This Page.


Dizaster 04-23-2006 05:56 PM

Pretty nice, but the strike one didn't work, you can also use BBcode for forum wise, might want to add that too, even though its some-what self explanitory.

ebittner 04-23-2006 07:02 PM

That is pretty good what you have there. I knew most of it but you can never study to much.

raudi 04-24-2006 12:50 AM

Good tutorial there. Good for the beginners who need a little jump start :)

Eminem 04-24-2006 11:30 AM

Thanks for the comments guys. :)

I think the strike tag just works with some browsers; Internet Explorer being one I THINK. This tutorial was written by me so just decided to share it with you guys. Glad you guys liked it! :)

rijulraju 04-24-2006 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by Eminem
Thanks for the comments guys. :)

I think the strike tag just works with some browsers; Internet Explorer being one I THINK. This tutorial was written by me so just decided to share it with you guys. Glad you guys liked it! :)

Great job on the tutorial 8)
Its a great resource for beginners, I'm going to get my nephew to read this, and learn from it. He has been wanting to learn HTML for a while, but just hasn't gotten to it yet.

sphinx 05-03-2006 01:49 PM

Hey, nice tutorial.

I was thinking of starting web development again, so this was a nice revision.

Keep up the good work :)

Eminem 05-03-2006 09:28 PM

Thanks for your comments! :D

It's encouraging me to continue the tutorial. :) I will do that after I fix up my PC which I plan to do by this weekend and if I spare up some time I will continue and write some more stuff about HTML! :D

I love the FORM part of HTML very much ;) It's fun! :lol:

PureThree 06-01-2009 03:04 AM

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Keller Miller 06-17-2009 01:21 PM

Hey, thanks man, the things which you gave here are more than enough for a link builder....Great :)

mgandy 06-30-2009 12:46 AM

Great Tutorial
Great tutorial but some of the most important functions in html are tables, rows, columns, images, and backgrounds. You might want to include this in your next update.



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