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johnson.seo 09-29-2008 07:34 AM

Internet marketing
Hi all,

This is cany johnson from India

Thanks & Regards
Candry johnson

robdav 10-03-2008 09:32 PM

Hey Candry,
I think you may have posted this in the wrong forum. This is a forum for game enthusiest such as Warcraft enthusiests :). Just thought I might point that out.



Joanas Guide

johnson.seo 10-07-2008 01:08 AM

Hi dear,

Thanks for inform.

candry johnson

Steven Perry 04-23-2009 09:46 AM

Yea it is a wrong thread but what are you trying to tell us. you didn't mention anything except your name.

John 04-23-2009 11:28 AM

Hmmm... I wonder if they are using some sort of software to spam GeekBoards? I'm not sure, but will look through johnson.seo's posts sometime soon to make sure their is an actual account and not some sort of spam bot.

Marim 05-01-2009 10:00 PM

I have seen many people doing this everywhere just to promote something but I don't see what is the benefit of doing this. If you don't post anything and just put your link who will visit that site?

Andrew01 05-14-2009 06:05 AM


Internet marketing can be considered as an important tool of advertising and promoting product and services through online. With the help of internet marketing you can expand your business and take it to the global level in the easiest way you might have ever imagined. There are mixed opinions about the marketing strategies and also the term marketing can be used as web marketing, online marketing, emarketing or imarketing.

Jordy02 05-17-2009 11:05 PM


Internet marketing means increasing your sales using a computer with an internet connection. Having your own website with your products and services offered or setting your banner ads on other websites that will link to your site is a good way of internet marketing.

JamesAnderson 05-18-2009 06:56 AM

Nowadays more and more people are grabbing their chances on making money through online business and creating a big income through online work and job opportunities. The best thing on making money online is that there are several works that you can choose online

Alwin Allen 05-18-2009 11:11 AM

Hey, I just wonder :o, there is no more relations between the title of the thread and the content of it. However, As far as I know, Internet marketing is one of the great place for marketing and all......:p

trade-show-marketing 06-19-2009 10:42 AM

I would rename this thread as "an example of internet SPAM marketing". :D
Several of the posts above are perfect examples...

John 06-19-2009 11:29 AM

Yeah. Anytime I see "wow gold," especially linked, the spam flag goes right up. I deleted the wow gold spammer, by the way.

trade-show-marketing 06-19-2009 03:25 PM

hi John,
I've seen that term, "wow gold" being *spammed* alot. What the heck is wow gold?... I guess I could do an internet search, but then again, I guess I really don't care. It is a bummer to see the spam. Maybe it would be funny to replace the link "wow gold" with "spam gold"... Anyway, thanks for using the "delete" key! :D

John 06-20-2009 12:21 AM

wow gold is the game money for the World of Warcraft online role playing game. They're probably not supposed to, but people get this gold in the game and then sell it for real money. It would be a terribly inefficient use of time, on an earnings basis, for someone from the U.S. to do this. But, for other countries where the average wage is extremely low in USD terms, people can play games online all day and make a good living by getting gold in the game and selling it to players in the US. I wouldn't be surprised if in some countries there were actual entire companies based on this concept. Imagine going in to work and all you had to do was logon to a WoW account & kill monsters all day to get their gold and other treasures. Some people play WoW all the time as it is, so this would be doubly good for them, to play and get paid for it at the same time.

Anyhow, wow gold sellers are some of the worst spammers on the net.

Philip Garcia 06-21-2009 12:37 AM

Internet marketing
To promote internet marketing i would advise to offer vouchers and sales promotions to those who log on your web site or buy your products online. You could also offer discount of a certain percentage.

trade-show-marketing 06-21-2009 08:41 AM

hey John,
Thanks for the answer on what is "wow gold". I never would have guessed. What an idea... playing a video game all day to get fake money to exchange for a little bit of real money... what a world we live in! :D

Ranana_fush 06-22-2009 10:24 PM

Internet marketing
You are right , there is no doubt about it that SEO is an emerging internet marketing tool and is used very frequently by all webmasters

seo-marketing 06-29-2009 06:44 AM

Internet marketing is not something you should try to incorporate for your internet business without developing a comprehensive plan. There are several different aspects of internet marketing and you need to include all most all of them in order to see the best results. While you can get by with simply one or two techniques, you will be missing out in terms of possible revenue.

markbennet 06-30-2009 01:38 PM

Hello welcome on board. This forum is quite nice and exiting from others...

HenryPaul 07-04-2009 09:06 AM

Thank you for sharing the information.

Internet marketing is the newest trend in business. It is also known as web marketing, web site marketing, online marketing and e-marketing. Also it uses the internet as a channel of introducing the company or seller’s identity and meeting the needs of potential customers. Millions of people around the world log on to the internet that eventually created cyber community and a target market for companies.

James06 07-06-2009 06:06 AM

Interesting post.

Internet marketing is regarded to be one of the ideal ways to earn money online. And though there are ways to successfully make money over the net, there are still other things one should know on how to be an internet marketer.

An internet marketers’ job can be a job for anyone who knows computer and the company. You can earn money on this too. Businesses whether 100 percent online, partly online, or not online engaged to internet marketing so internet marketers are needed.Some online businesses just rely on internet marketing blogging and internet marketing reviews for the company’s promotion.

Andrew01 07-07-2009 02:17 AM


Opt-in form is the way you build your list. By putting their name and email in your opt-in form, subscribers are giving you permission to send them emails. Creating the opt-in form is easy it doesn't have to be fancy. You can create the form through your autoresponder system. You will grab the html code that is generated by the system. you can place the opt-in form code on your website so that people can actually get your updates.

John Frederick 07-20-2009 07:06 AM


Thank you everyone for sharing the useful information.

Before getting into any kind of business over the internet, do research on it. Dedicate some time to understand what that business is all about and how you should get started with it. You have to find out and make a right marketing plan which includes a budget.

Starting your own Home Business can give you more independence and freedom, and millions of business owners are getting great pleasure out of the daily "profits" they earn from their business.

Once you choose a type of business to start, begin to set small goals and craft a plan to follow. Goals help you out to sustain your motivation, as you take your first step in setting up your business. Especially when working from home, it is essential that you become a self-starter and channel your dreams and ambitions into goals which will drive your productivity.

HenryPaul 08-02-2009 10:58 AM


Internet marketing can be the thing that makes success for your business. Marketing can help attract potential customers. Marketing strategies always change and if you stay on top of it, you will make a difference in the customers you acquire.

Success is something which cannot be imposed, it has to be earned. Being successful is a habit and like every other habit it can be cultivated. Internet marketing is one of the best places where you can find the prospect to develop a winning mindset. But only those who are eager to learn can hope to benefit from this opportunity.

Centimetro 09-24-2009 05:41 PM

Internet marketing? What game is that? Never heard of it :)

MrToad 07-22-2010 03:10 PM

hey hands,
You probably should have wished Candry a BELATED welcome since she joined almost TWO YEARS AGO!
Cheers! :)

dvdreplication 08-06-2010 02:25 AM

Its Junaid from Pakistan.
grow medical marijuana

imtheonetoo 08-11-2010 03:44 AM

Internet marketing is quite challenging, and and fantastic oportunity for almost every business out there. The challenge lies in how you front the customers you're looking for - and to succeed you need time, patience and competence!

jack jastin 03-23-2011 02:14 AM

Hi Marim,

You mean to say about blank posting? Than read the forum rules and guide lines carefully. It may cause your account to get banned so be aware with that.

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