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Soulwatcher 04-06-2006 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by MMeffert
OK I have never used cgi before so I need alot of help.

I have no idea on how your server is setup. So I don't even know where to begin. But for sure your going to have to run the program out of your cgi folder. And your going to have to enable cgi permissions in Apache.

MMeffert 04-06-2006 09:33 PM

Ok I will look more into getting cgi setup on my server when I get home on saturday and I will ask if I have an questions.

MMeffert 04-12-2006 04:05 PM

OK I have tried and I can not find any kind of anything to install cgi and set it up. I have never used cgi before but I think you need like a cgi-bin and then all cgi files have to be in there.

Soulwatcher 04-12-2006 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by MMeffert
OK I have tried and I can not find any kind of anything to install cgi and set it up. I have never used cgi before but I think you need like a cgi-bin and then all cgi files have to be in there.

You are right you have to have a cgi-bin to execute the cgi files. You also have to set up cgi in apache. More than likely your cgi-bin is located at /var/www/cgi-bin. I know you don't like control panels but if you had webmin and virtualmin you could set this up with the snap of your fingers. But I am sure I can help you get it set up with out the control panel. :)

QBall15j 04-13-2006 04:58 AM

I just enabled it on my server yesterday, wasn't as bad as I thought...

Make sure you have in your httpd config;
LoadModule cgi_module modules/

AddHandler cgi-script .cgi

Down in your <Directory /home/*/public_html> section add below to the Options line;

That should be it, you will be allowed to execute Perl scripts from anywhere.

MMeffert 04-13-2006 06:02 AM

Ok I think I set it up right but when I go to this address I get a page saying page can not be displayed. Do I have to change anything in the file?

Do I need anything else installed like mod_perl?

Coop 04-13-2006 02:21 PM

To get an idea of the problem, login to your server using ssh, and run the command :-

tail -f /var/log/httpd/error_log

If your server is setup with the defaults, that should be the location of your error log file. Then go to the URL you have problems with, and see what gets printed on the screen. It will usually give you an idea of what the problem is. Depending on how you have cgi setup, you may need to enable mod_perl, but be warned, it is not possible to run mod_perl and mod_php in the same instance of apache. If you need to run both, then the normal practice is to add a line :-

#! /bin/perl

to the start of your script, and to make the file executable by world. This can be done with a :-

chmod 0755 file.cgi

from the ssh prompt, assumiong you are already in the directory containing the file. Having done that, the file should run like any other program on a unix system.

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